0x0 – So You Want to be a Malware Researcher

Everything is Open Source If You Are a Reverse Engineer

– Someone, Probably, Me, If No One

Really? Do you really want to spend countless hours in front of a weird alien-looking language, usually alone, trying to solve a puzzle that whole groups of people are trying to make impossible to solve? GOOD.

So Why Do It?

Being a malware researcher isn’t easy, but it is rewarding.
Being at the forefront of the cyber threats world, analyzing the latest and greatest threat actors, if done right, can not only be materialistically rewarding but also the fact we help protect others – mentally.

Just thinking about the number of attacks we can stop, threat actors we can catch, and people we can safeguard, this is precisely what gives me the energy to never stop doing this.

Another Malware Blog?

Probably, but why not give it a shot. My name is David; I’ve been a Malware Researcher, Reverse Engineer, Threat Intelligence, etc, for almost a decade.
Currently, I work at CyberArk, doing what I am most passionate about – finding, tracking, and stopping threat actors.

In the past, I’ve been in charge of teams, mentoring Malware Analysis for as long as I’ve been in the field, and this is a passion of mine. Thus, the idea for this blog came up.

You may see these posts in 2024, but initially, this all started during COVID-19, and I was losing my mind from being stuck at home, just like many of us. Now, enough about me, let us get started!

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